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New Event Series
Quarterly Savior Summits
Featuring our event speakers: Summer 2024 - Riley Gaines | Fall 2024 - Demi Leigh-Tebow | Winter 2025 - Kevin Sorbo | Spring 2025 - Merril Hoge
C-Suite For Christ fellowship.
Business Executives Covering The World In Christ
Become A Member of the Tampa Bay Chapter
C-Suite for Christ swag.
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Help Us Cover The World In Christ
C-Suite for Christ radio show.
C-Suite For Christ Podcast
Sharing how Christ has positively impacted our daily lives and work environments

Welcome to C-Suite for Christ

Tampa Bay Chapter

Our mission is to cover the world in Christ by unapologetically declaring to the world whose we are by proactively creating faith-centric cultures in the workplace.

We are a group of business executives who come together every month to share how including Christ in our daily lives has positively affected the work environment.

In sharing joys and struggles with others who walk similar paths, we are able to support and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to live courageously in witness to him. It is our hope to rejuvenate the working soul through fellowship and praise of God.

How is your soul today?

C-Suite for Christ logo.

What We Do

We support our brothers and sisters in Christ by coming together to share our stories on how Christ helps us daily.

C-Suite for Christ logo.

Covering the World In Christ

Our radio show features faith-based conversations that’s raw, emotional and authentic. Its topics, themes and messages will give God the high praise He deserves.

Spreading the word of God.

"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

Hebrews 10:24–25

Get Involved

C-Suite for Christ small groups.

Become A Member

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and have a significant level of responsibility in your organization, become a member of C-Suite For Christ. Attend our monthly meetings and learn from other members.

Open a christian networking chapter near you.

Start A Chapter

We’re nurturing the beginnings of several new chapters of C-Suite for Christ across the U.S. God is indeed on the move! Plant a chapter near you. Licenses are exclusive to your city. Spots are filling up fast, reserve your area today.

Become a corporate partner of C-Suite for Christ.

Create A Corporate Partnership

Invest in your faith and get in front of Christian executives through our partnership opportunities.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”

1 Peter 2:9

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